Getting started in the lab

The very first thing you need to do is to get set up on the following platforms, which will enable you to interact with the rest of the lab, download and use the lab’s software packages, and accomplish various necessary administrative tasks:

  1. Slack: This is where almost all not-in-person lab communications take place. It provides an interface for asking questions, storing notes, and sharing ideas. Here are some tutorials to get started with Slack:

  1. GitHub: This is used to manage all code, papers, grants, presentations, and posters. In other words, anything where it’d be useful to track multiple versions, anything that we might ultimately want to release to the public, and/or anything that multiple lab members will be collaborating on. Each project has one or more GitHub repositories. You should treat GitHub as a digital version of a “lab notebook” that contains a formal record of every contribution you make to your projects. We use GitHub logs to assign credit for ideas, code or writing contributions, determine authorship order, and more. It is therefore critical that you regularly check in (commit) your work via GitHub so that you receive appropriate credit for your ideas and maintain a continuous traceable log for your project. Here are some tutorials to get started with GitHub:

  1. ClickUp: This serves as our essential management tool for meticulously tracking project progress and priorities. Leveraging the Kanban method extensively, we visualize our workflows dynamically. This allows us to categorize tasks into clear stages, from planning and experimentation to analysis and publication. By visualizing our project in this manner, we can easily identify bottlenecks, prioritize tasks, and decide which parts of the project to focus on at any given time. Here are some tutorials to get started with ClickUp:


Create (free) individual ClickUp, Slack, and GitHub accounts. Once you create the account(s) send a request to Hemanth via along with the respective email addresses used ClickUp, Slack, and GitHub to add you the lab’s account.

Once you’ve created those accounts, you can ask any questions through Slack (use the #general channel or the channel specific your project). Depending on your role in the lab, you may be added on Slack as a single-channel guest (access to only one channel) or a in the #general channel through the Workflows menu (usually near the top left of the window). Once you initiate the workflow, you’ll be guided through the onboarding process.

Lab website

Once you have your accounts set up, you’ll need to add your profile to the lab’s website. Follow these steps to fork the repository, create your profile folder, and add your details.

Step 1: Fork the Lab Website Repository

  1. Go to the lab website GitHub repository.
  2. Click on the Fork button in the top-right corner of the page. This will create a copy of the repository under your own GitHub account.

Step 2: Clone Your Forked Repository

  1. On your GitHub account, navigate to your forked repository.

  2. Click the Code button and copy the repository URL.

  3. Open your terminal and clone the repository to your local machine using:

    git clone
  4. Navigate to the repository directory:

    cd lab-website

Step 3: Add Your Profile Folder

  1. In the people directory, find the folder corresponding to your role in the lab:

    ├── pi/
    ├── phd/
    ├── master/
    ├── undergraduate/
    └── alumni/
  2. If you are a master student, create a new folder with your name under the master directory. Replace "your_name" with your actual name:

    mkdir -p people/master/"your_name"

    For other roles, replace master with pi, phd, undergraduate, or alumni accordingly.

Step 4: Add Your Profile Details

  1. Inside your folder (e.g., people/master/"your_name"), add your profile photo and index file.

  2. Your photo should be named avatar.jpg. Add this photo to your folder:

    cp path/to/your/photo.jpg people/master/"your_name"/avatar.jpg
  3. Create an index.qmd file in the same folder. Use the following content template for index.qmd:

    title: Your name here
        template: trestles
            - icon: linkedin
              text: LinkedIn
              url: Add your linkedin link
            - icon: github
              text: Github
              url: Add your Github link
            - text: "{{< ai google-scholar >}} Google Scholar"
              url: If you have google scholar link, add it here.
            - text: Website
              url: If you have a website link, add it here.
    image: ./avatar.jpg
    ## Education
    Fill your education history here
    ## Research Interest
    Provide your research interest

    Replace placeholders like Your name here, Add your linkedin link, etc., with your actual details.

Step 5: Commit and Push Your Changes

  1. Commit your changes:

    git commit -m "Add profile for [Your Name]"
  2. Push your changes to your forked repository:

    git push origin main

Step 6: Create a Pull Request

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on the Pull Requests tab and then New Pull Request.
  3. Select the base repository as iHuman-Lab/lab-website and compare it with your forked repository.
  4. Add a description for your pull request and submit it.

Congratulations! You’ve added your profile to the lab website. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to the Hemanth for help.